Monday, November 10, 2008

Final Results in Bucks County

Hi all: I thought the photo essay would end the Obama PA blog, but there is still more to tell.
Ann Marie sent me the final election results for Bucks County and I thought you would like to see how our guy did. Here are the results:
Obama 178,345 votes or 53.7%
McCain 149,860 votes or 45.2%

This compares with a 1.5% win for Kerry in 2004!
The vastly improved performance is no doubt the result of the superior ground game in PA this year :)

And we can't forget about Patrick Murphy (right, Lara?) Murphy also did quite well:
Murphy 181,586 votes or 56%
Manion 137,565 votes or 42.4%
Lingenfelter 5,371 or 1.7%

Congrats to everyone who contributed to Obama and Murphy's success in Bucks County.

For more info, see

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